Mentoring the Master’s at Monash

The Ignite team returned to the Monash University Master’s program this year, as part of our longstanding relationship with the renowned tertiary institute. This year saw Kris and Mitch return, along with Raji, in her first experience as a mentor to the graduates. “It was a really good experience. I was really surprised with how […]
Data and the Energy Transition

Earlier this month (November 2023), Ignite held its first gathering of peers in the utilities space to discuss data’s role in the energy transition. Our inaugural speaker was Hilary Newstead, General Manager, Strategic Energy Management with SIMEC Energy, Australia (SEA). Hilary and SIMEC were the right choice for our first breakfast. SIMEC’s role is interesting […]
‘Democratising’ Data with Databricks’ Generative AI Code Assistant

Generative AI has the potential to make data accessible to every user within your organisation. It represents a paradigm shift in how data is harnessed and used. The excitement surrounding Generative AI must be tempered with a crucial realisation; you can’t simply apply a language model to your data and expect magical results. To unlock […]
An Interview with a Data Scientist: Key Insights from a Successful Proof of Value

Alinta Energy engaged the Ignite team to enable them to demonstrate the capability of their in-house data platform and data science expertise by developing a challenger model to run parallel to their existing gas demand forecast model. This would provide the organisation with the capability to run comparison scenario analysis and accuracy testing of their […]
A springboard for data sharing: B2B data portals opening opportunities for collaborative value gains

Consumer Data Rights have driven faster adoption of self-serve technologies for consumers to access their own data, freeing up the time of the service provider’s customer care team. In turn, consumers are becoming more receptive to exchanging their data with service providers, knowing they retain ownership, the exchange is secure, and they are deriving a […]
Data Sharing is the future, not something to be feared

The recent global fixation on Chat GPT, the more than 40 serious data breaches in Australia at the end of last year, and the ongoing rollout of Consumer Data Right across industries, has made data the topic of many dinner table conversations. And the main theme is fear. Yet it shouldn’t be. Data is powerful, […]
Enabling customers with secure access to their own data

The team at Ignite recently completed a B2B self-serve customer portal for their client, ZEN Energy. Ignite’s Head of Operations, Kris Hunter and Mitch de Zylva, Senior Data Scientist/Engineer, discuss their perspective on building self-serve options. Kris Hunter Head of Operations Connect with Kris Mitchell de Zylva Senior Data Scientist Connect with Mitch […]
The True Benefit of Software as a Service is flexibility, but does your data setup allow it?

Software As a Service (SaaS) packages abound in the cloud-based world. Touted as the solution to reducing large investments in IT infrastructure and providing the user with the ‘freedom’ of accessing a service how and when they need, the team at Ignite shares their perspective on how best to approach utilizing SaaS offerings within your […]
Data: The asset that is quickly becoming the liability?

The Optus data breach has been well publicised since it occurred on September 22nd. And the fallout continues for the organisation and its customers. This extremely challenging time for Optus employees and the people impacted by the data breach provides Australian businesses and Australian consumers with a great learning opportunity going forwards. The fallout The […]
Embedding Project Learnings: Energy Queensland

Our team recently worked with large Queensland energy provider, Energy Queensland to take a data project from Proof of Value Phase to Delivery Phase. Here’s the perspective of the team on how to optimise and smooth the transition from Proof of Value to Delivery. Proof of Value Discovery Thanks to the successful Proof of Value […]