A springboard for data sharing: B2B data portals opening opportunities for collaborative value gains

Data Sharing is the future, not something to be feared

The recent global fixation on Chat GPT, the more than 40 serious data breaches in Australia at the end of last year, and the ongoing rollout of Consumer Data Right across industries, has made data the topic of many dinner table conversations. And the main theme is fear. Yet it shouldn’t be. Data is powerful, […]

Data: The asset that is quickly becoming the liability?

The Optus data breach has been well publicised since it occurred on September 22nd. And the fallout continues for the organisation and its customers. This extremely challenging time for Optus employees and the people impacted by the data breach provides Australian businesses and Australian consumers with a great learning opportunity going forwards. The fallout The […]

Why bother with the Proof of Value Phase?

For cutting-edge projects, the Proof of Value phase of a project is incredibly important and an almost perfect predictor of a project’s success. Dave Hamilton, our Senior Data Engineer, recently conducted a Proof of Value (PoV) with large Queensland energy provider, Energy Queensland. From this and other Proof of Value projects, he can share several […]

How to boost confidence in your Data Science investments

How to boost confidence in your Data Science investments

In ‘How successful are your Data Science projects?‘ we acknowledged that the growing discipline of Data Science is benefiting from the recognition and associated investment being made by businesses. However, the failure rate of Data Science projects is alarmingly high, and we have to be careful this discipline is not overlooked as another hype cycle. We […]

How complete are existing Data Science methodologies?

How to boost confidence in your Data Science investments

In ‘How successful are your Data Science projects?’ we asked the question of all stakeholders, be they the sponsors who are investing, the leaders who have to justify the investment or the passionate data scientists, whether they were happy with the results of their effort in Data Science.  For those wanting to improve this answer, we recommended […]

How successful are your Data Science projects?

How to boost confidence in your Data Science investments

Data Science is a rapidly growing discipline as more and more businesses recognise and invest in the role that it plays in digital opportunities and seek to take advantage of the associated benefits. On the one hand the size of this investment is encouraging – on the other hand the failure rate for Data Science […]

Why recommendation engines aren’t just for Netflix

Why recommendation engines aren’t just for Netflix

Netflix now has over 139 million subscribers worldwide, so the chances are you’re familiar with its recommendation engine—a combination of relevant content and the odd curveball thrown in to pique your curiosity. But have you thought about the difference a recommendation engine could make to your business? The team at Ballance Agri-Nutrients did and together […]

Using data and analytics to evaluate business risk

Using data and analytics to evaluate business risk

The great thing about innovation is coming up with an original idea. The great thing about building a business around an original idea is the head start it gives you in defining a unique selling proposition in the market. On the flip side, really testing your business model where no existing precedent has been set […]