How successful are your Data Science projects?

Data Science is a rapidly growing discipline as more and more businesses recognise and invest in the role that it plays in digital opportunities and seek to take advantage of the associated benefits. On the one hand the size of this investment is encouraging – on the other hand the failure rate for Data Science […]
Why recommendation engines aren’t just for Netflix

Netflix now has over 139 million subscribers worldwide, so the chances are you’re familiar with its recommendation engine—a combination of relevant content and the odd curveball thrown in to pique your curiosity. But have you thought about the difference a recommendation engine could make to your business? The team at Ballance Agri-Nutrients did and together […]
Delivering insights differently

It’s been another year and another fascinating experience with the Postgrad IT Masters students at Monash University. In amongst some pretty well-established companies (with the likes of ANZ, Coles, Motorola, and Telstra also participating), this little start-up spent eleven weeks assisting the students to build a live solution to a real-world problem, with their shiny […]
Mentoring at Monash University

One of our core values is to give back to our industry, so that we can nurture the new wave of talent coming through and expose ourselves to new ways of thinking. Over the years we have been invited as Industry Mentors for the Industry Experience Studio Project at Monash University, which is the final capstone project […]
Using data and analytics to evaluate business risk

The great thing about innovation is coming up with an original idea. The great thing about building a business around an original idea is the head start it gives you in defining a unique selling proposition in the market. On the flip side, really testing your business model where no existing precedent has been set […]
Migrating to S/4?

Many companies are now on the verge of implementing or migrating to S/4 HANA, and with SAP advertising the significant benefits of using their in-built analytics capability, one of the most pressing questions is ‘what should I do with my existing analytics investments? Can you just throw them out – or are they still of […]
Doing Data Science with SAP Predictive Analytics – Part One

Following on from our brief overview in the last post, we will focus this post on the data exploration and transformation stages of the data science process. We are deliberately constraining the scope of this article to data exploration and transformation in Automated Analytics, to keep the discussion concise and comprehensible. Rather than simply presenting a tool […]
Doing Data Science with SAP Predictive Analytics – Part Two

Keeping up with the ever-evolving machine learning landscape can be difficult. It seems that every month new modelling software is released, or a tech company open sources a machine learning algorithm. In the context of the SAP technology stack, we want to understand the landscape of the machine learning models provided by SAP Business Objects […]
The Thriving Workplace

Last week I attended a totally unique and ‘out of body’ type conference experience, designed to create a safe and warm environment for everyone to bring their best and most authentic human selves. In the interests of full disclosure and authenticity, I didn’t truly know what I had signed up to. I figured understanding more […]
HANA + Hadoop – CompleteStream March 2017

It was a pleasure to present recently at the LeadingInsights Conference here in Melbourne, hosted by CompleteStream. This conference brings together businesses and practitioners focused on SAP technology from Australia and around the globe, and allowed me to talk about a key passion area for me – the bringing together of SAP and Hadoop! Hadoop has […]