Analytics Pathway

Identify the potential value in data and create a pathway to realising it. ​

How confident are you in your data investment?

Our Analytics Pathway sets your data investment on the right track.

What is an Analytics Pathway?

Using Ignite’s methodology in a time defined scope, our Analytics Pathway delivers:

Value Prioritisation

Our Value Based Prioritisation Framework ranks investment across three key factors, creating the pathway for your data investment.


Potential Business Value

The framework uses business impact measures or financial benefits, such as Hard Cash, Soft Cash or reducing value at risk.


Solution Feasibility

The framework addresses the readiness of data platforms and the data itself.

Considerations include technology components, source system changes, data quality, and data availability.


Business Readiness

Focusing on end-user adoption, we enable your organisation to understand and pre-empt the change impact on people and processes.

Sound familiar?

Know Where To Focus

Do you know how to use the data you have now, what data you should be collating, or what questions to ask of the data you have?

Articulate ROI

Finding it hard to articulate the return on your data investment?

Faster Execution

Do you know what you want to achieve with data, but are slow with execution?

Improve Adoption

Is customer and employee adoption of your solutions lower than expected?

Talk to us to understand the constraints your data investment is facing, and how Ignite can get it on the right track..

What's your data constraint?

Take a holistic approach to identifying, proving, realising, and growing the value in your data, or bring in our data experts on-demand.

of Value

Product Build

Platform Build

Manage + Grow


We believe the best results come when data enables people.

Contact us to find out how we can enable yours.