Proof of Value

Prove the potential value in data science ideas.

How do you know your data science use cases are worth it?

Prove that your idea works, and show what its potential return can be.

What is a Proof of Value?

To help build sponsor confidence in your data science use cases, Ignite’s Proof of Value delivers:

Sound familiar?

Reduce 'Waste'

Is your data science experimental, and do executives want confidence that you’re not just experimenting?

Commercial Mindset

Is your data science team focusing too much on technical performance instead of business value?

Defined Opportunities

Is your data science team running down rabbit holes trying to find golden nuggets?

Articulate Value

Are your data science projects proving a hypothesis, but hard to implement or not delivering value?

Talk to us to understand the constraints your data investment is facing, and how Ignite can get it on the right track..

What's your data constraint?

Take a holistic approach to realising the value in your data, or bring in our data experts on-demand.


Product Build

Platform Build

Manage + Grow


We believe the best results come when data enables people.

Contact us to find out how we can enable yours.